Natural processing
Natural processing method or also dry method. This method is very popular amongst the specialty coffee drinkers. How it differs from washed coffee? What does coffee processed by natural method taste like?
During the natural processing, coffee cherries are right after picking and sorting evenly spread on concrete patios or raised African beds, where are dried for several weeks. Coffee cherries must be turned regularly to prevent uneven drying and over fermentation, which would create a flavour defect in the final cup. Overfermented coffee may taste like rotten fruit or alcohol.
Thanks to the fact, that the bean is in contact with the fruit during the whole drying phase, it can easily absorb sugars and other flavour and aromatic compounds. This is why natural processed coffee has a very specific aroma.
The bean is removed from the pulp during the process, so it’s very easy to hull it. After hulling, the bean could be additionally dried, until it reaches 10-12 % of humidity. Dry green coffee is then sorted and prepared for export.
In terms of flavour, natural coffee has higher sweetness, full body with fruity notes, commonly forest fruit, dried fruit, and chocolate. Aroma is stronger than in washed coffee, fruity and chocolate-like.