Specialty coffee shop

Indonesia Kerinci Honey Andung Sari, Sigarar Utang | Filter

Koerintji barokah bensama
Processing method
1400 - 1700 m. a. s. l.
Roast profile

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Discover the magic of unique coffee from the Kerinci region of Sumatra, Indonesia. Indonesia Kerinci coffee is a great example of the excellent quality and unique flavours this country has to offer. It’s sweet and clean, with rich berry and citrus notes that transport you right into the heart of Indonesian nature.


The plant is part of the Farmgate Initiative. The cooperative is led by Triyono, who manages the processing and export of the coffee with great dedication. Founded only in 2017, the cooperative currently has a fully equipped roasting facility, including a cupping lab, which allows cooperative members to control quality and experiment with new processing methods.

The Honey process by which this coffee is processed involves peeling the cherries without water and then drying them on raised beds. This process preserves the sweetness and complexity of flavour that you will find in the cup.


Indonesia Kerinci Honey Andung Sari Sigarar Utang really got us. It has a sweet and clean flavour, with great acidity, with distinct notes of red grape, orange and blackberry. Filter roast.


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